
Coping With Panic Attacks

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  • Konar Uhm wrote on 19.6.2013 - 22:31

    You can attend a support group with other panic attack sufferers. Not only can you release your feelings and thoughts, but you can chat with others who have the same condition as you.

    One way you can cut a panic attack short is to reassert control over your actions. Sometimes the only way to beat your fears is to fight back against them.

    If you are in the midst of a panic attack, pay special attention to getting your breathing under control. If you can successfully gain control of rapid breathing, you will be able to control your anxiety and get the attack under control. Deep rhythmic breathing is very effective in reducing the bad feelings and regaining control.

    A basic step to stopping your panic attack is realizing how you are breathing and what it is doing to you. If your breathing it rapid, you can exercise control over the attack through slowing it down. Controlled breathing will make you more cognitive of what is going on with your body and in the environment, as well as work to reduce the level of intensity of the panic attack. Try to take deep, even breaths.

    An effective way of dealing with your panic attacks is by seeking professional help. It is their job to help you. Simply knowing that someone understands what you are going through can really help your mood and lessen your panic attacks.

    You need to remind yourself that you have experienced these same feelings in the past, and you made it through fine. Do your best to relax and think good thoughts, since negative thoughts can worsen your anxiety.

    Identify the symptoms of an upcoming panic attack in advance. If you are aware of the warning signs, then you will be forewarned when a panic attack is accumulating and ready to strike. You can more effectively implement skills and techniques to avoid or manage your panic attacks if you know when a panic attack is triggered in your body. This will be a big help with whatever anxiety-fighting strategies are employed.

    Remind yourself of previous panic experiences and that nothing disastrous happened. Relax and think positively to ride it out.

    Being worried that you may have a panic attack can cause it to occur in itself. The key is to avoid contemplating the situations that prompt panicky feelings, and steer clear of thoughts related to managing an attack. The thoughts alone can be the catalyst to start a full-blown panic attack! These thoughts are similar to trying to get a song out of your head. The more you think about something, the harder it is to rid yourself of those type of thoughts.

    One tip that might work for you is to identify what is causing the attack and then break it down and think about it rationally. When you feel a panic attack coming on, for instance, remember that what you are experiencing are just feelings and your feelings are, ultimately, harmless. Talk to yourself in a positive manner, and keep it up until you get some relief.

    As a person who personally experiences the difficulties associated with serious anxiety issues, you know the signs of an impending panic attack. The hard part is knowing how to quickly stop them, which is what you really want to understand.

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